
「応援広告」へのお礼/ Support Advertising - An In-Depth Look & Our Sincerest Gratitude

(English follows Japanese)







週末や通学通勤の行き帰り、駅や地下通路などで「なんとなく自分の趣味とも通じる、キャラクターへ誕生日祝いや熱いメッセージが書かれているポスター」を時折見掛けることありませんか? 信号待ちの際、目の前を走り去ったバスにあのキャラクターが! 見上げた電光掲示板に推しのあの子が! そう、それです、それ! 






「応援広告に興味が湧いちゃった!」 というあなたはこちらからお問い合わせください。その気持ち、きっと伝わります。誰にって? タレントさんに、毎日汗を流して頑張ってる裏方スタッフに、ホロライブプロダクションを応援して支えてくれるファンの皆さんに。

※ 掲載している応援広告は、各代表者に対し事前に連絡を取った上で掲載しています

English version

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening – Greetings to fans around the world!
This is the hololive production Customer Support Team, representing a talent phenomenon so popular that we feel every time zone deserves special attention!
Thank you so much for your continued support and enthusiasm, no matter the time of day.

Today, we would like to talk about a very special and important topic that will likely be of great interest to all who hold hololive production dear: “Support advertising.”

What is “support advertising,” you may ask?
This term may sound somewhat confusing, so allow us to explain.

“Support advertising” can be defined as:
”A means for fans to submit advertising related to our talents through a multitude of media outlets, such as train stations, large-scale city displays, and other various places and methods.”

Further information can be found in the Derivative Works Guidelines.

Pardon the overly stiff legal talk.

Have you ever been walking through the city, maybe the train station or through a passageway, and seen a birthday wish or cheerful message for a favorite personality? 
On the back of a bus driving down the street? Brightening the streets on an electronic bulletin board? 
Yes, one of those! You’ve got it!

hololive production has received many such inquiries, over 100 submissions in 2023 alone, from fans seeking to use advertising to support talent anniversaries or other similar events.

The use of the word “advertising” refers to media through various platforms and venues such as train stations, buses, electronic billboards, and social media. The most common are station ads, and there have also been a surprising amount of applications for ads on promotion trucks.

The number of support advertisements continues to increase, and the creative quality rises in proportion to the quantity of said advertisements. However, despite the race towards artistic perfection, these requests are the physical embodiment of the fans’ devotion – admiration taken form, a love letter to an important someone, enthusiasm for a new face yet to be discovered. Every submission we receive is enveloped with those special feelings. We can sense the closeness, the connection between those behind the inquiry and the viewer, and the smiles that they share. The beauty of these bonds cannot be denied.

hololive production will do all it can and more to help protect the magic of support advertising. We will continue to pour our resources into furthering this business, as it would be a shame if society were to lose such a brilliant expression of the soul.

As it currently stands, the avenue of affection is a one-way street from fans to the talents. And yet, if we can create a channel through which support advertising can become a vessel of mutual recognition, a two-way link between fans and talents... Well, then that would be a wonderful world filled with hopes and dreams.

If you are interested in using support advertising to convey such fervor, please reach out to us here. We have no doubt that your feelings will find their way. To whom, you may ask? To the gifted talents, to the hard-working staff behind the scenes, and to your fellow fans who so graciously support hololive production.

※The sharing of any images of support advertisements was done with prior approval from their respective representatives.